“The Gateway” is an inner-city neo-noir thriller starring Shea Whigham as Parker, a social worker assigned to the care of the daughter (Taegen Burns) of a single mother (Olivia Munn). But when the dad (Zach Avery) returns from prison, all hell breaks loose.
I spent some time with “The Gateway” director Michele Civetta to take you behind the scenes.
“The Gateway” opens in select theaters and on-demand September 3rd.
Taryn Manning has two movies coming out this weekend. She has “The Gateway” where she plays a barfly and the title role in BET Films’ “Karen.” I spent some time with the actress to talk about both movies.
Taegen Burns stars as Ashley in “The Gateway.” She’s the daughter of Olivia Munn in the film and the crux of the story. I spoke with the child actress about the film, and her plans for the future.