This reimagining of the story of Father Christmas is based on the 2015 book of the same name by Matt Haig. It tells the story of Nikolas (Henry Lawfull), a boy who sets off into the snowy white north in search of his father (Michiel Huisman) who is tasked to bring hope to the kingdom.
I spent some time with co-writer and director Gil Kenan, Henry Lawfull, and Michiel Huisman for this behind-the-scenes look at “A Boy Called Christmas.”
“A Boy Called Christmas” is set to stream on Netflix on November 26th.
I love, love, love Stephen Merchant! Witty and sweet! And in “A Boy Called Christmas,” he voices the role of Miika the talking mouse! I sat down with the writer/director of the UK’s “The Office” to talk about his role, working on “A Boy Called Christmas,” and what does the holiday season mean to him.