Donny Pangilinan and Belle Mariano or DonBelle strike palpable chemistry in their upcoming romantic-drama “An Inconvenient Love.” Mariano is Ayef, an aspiring animator, who enters a convenient relationship with Pangilinan’s Manny, an heir to his family’s fortune. So what happens when their love becomes inconvenient?
From director Peterson Vargas (“2 Cool 2 Be 4gotten,” “How to Die Young in Manila”) “An Inconvenient Love’ is sweet and heartfelt and will even make you tear up a bit.
DonBelle visited me in our studio at NBC Palm Springs/KMIR in Palm Springs to talk about the movie and I was immediately impressed at how smart and sweet they both were. Considering that they have been working non-stop and about to fly to Dubai immediately after our interview, Donny and Belle were gracious and answered all my questions, even my intriguing and prying DonBelle question!
In celebration of Star Cinema’s 30th anniversary, “An Inconvenient Love” will be released in the Philippines on November 23rd and the U.S. and Canada on November 25th.