“Kill” is an explosive Indian Hindi-language action-thriller ala “John Wick” and “Die Hard” but told on a train setting. It stars Lakshya as Amrit, a commando in the Indian army, who must protect the love of his life from a gang of bandits trying to control a moving passenger train.
I spent some time with producers Karan Johar and Guneet Monga to talk about their project and finding their new action hero Lakshya.
“Kill” is being released in theaters on July 4th.
Lakshya is my new favorite action hero and his skills are in full display on “Kill” from director Nikhil Nagesh Bhat. Take a look at my interview with both Lakshya and Bhat as they talk about their interest in making and starring in the film, the inspiration behind the action scenes, and what they hoped for viewers to get after watching the film.