Entertaining, thought-provoking, and nerve wracking, Netflix’s “Rez Ball” has all the ingredients of a good sports movie but what makes it great is its affecting story. Inspired by the nonfiction sports novel Canyon Dreams by The New York Times journalist Michael Powell, the film follows the journey of The Chuska Warriors, a Native American high school basketball team from Chuska, New Mexico to fulfill their dreams of a state championship even with the untimely death of their star player.
Director Sydney Freeland crafted a charmer of a film that will make you think. Kudos to her talented cast headed by newcomer Kauchani Bratt (Benjamin Bratt’s newphew) as the team member and friend of the deceased star player (played by Kusem Goodwind), fellow team player played by Devin Sampson-Craig, and their coach Heather Hobbs (Jessica Matten).
I spoke to Bratt, Sampson-Craig, and Matten to talk about their interest in making the film, their characters, and what they hope for viewers to get after streaming “Rez Ball” on Netflix beginning September 27th.