“Unstoppable” tells the inspiring true-life tale of wrestler Anthony Robles. He won a national championship in 2011 while competing at Arizona State University despite being born with only one leg.
Jharrel Jerome plays Anthony Robles and Don Cheadle stars as Coach Shawn Charles. Jennifer Lopez plays his mom Judy and Bobby Cannavale is Rick Robles the stepfather.
I spent some time with both Jerome and Cheadle to talk about their interest in making the film, their dynamics, and what they learned from each other.
“Unstoppable” is now out in select theaters and will stream on Amazon Prime Video on January 16, 2025.
It was such an honor to meet the real-life inspiration behind the inspiring film “Unstoppable.” Anthony Robles (portrayed by Jharrel Jerome in the film) and Judy Robles (personified by Jennifer Lopez) are very happy on how their family is portrayed in William Goldenberg’s “Unstoppable.”
Take a look at our interview as the mom and son take you inside the making of the film.