Inspired by the 14th century Italian short-story collection The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, the new Netflix series from Kathleen Jordan tells the story of a group of nobles and their servants as they retreat to the countryside Villa Santa in 1348 as the Black Death ravages Florence. Tony Hale stars as Sirisco, the humble steward of Villa Santa.
I spent some time with both Jordan and Hale as they take us behind-the-scenes of “The Decameron” which is available to stream on Netflix on July 25.
Tanya Reynolds is Licisca, the fierce servant girl serving the bratty Filomena played by Jessica Plummer. Take a look at my interview with both actors as they talk about their characters, the dynamics, and what they hoped for viewers to get after watching the Netflix series.
Another noble and servant pairing! This time, we have Zosia Mamet as the mistress Pampinea and her trusted servant Misia played by Saoirse-Monica Jackson. Misia will do anything to serve Pampinea and therein lies the drama.